Font generation is a difficult and time-consuming task, especially in those languages using ideograms that have complicated structures with a large number of characters, such as Chinese. To solve this problem, few-shot font generation and even one-shot font generation have attracted a lot of attention. However, most existing font generation methods may still suffer from (i) large cross-font gap challenge; (ii) subtle cross-font variation problem; and (iii) incorrect generation of complicated characters. In this paper, we propose a novel one-shot font generation method based on a diffusion model, named Diff-Font, which can be stably trained on large datasets. The proposed model aims to generate the entire font library by giving only one sample as the reference. Specifically, a large stroke-wise dataset is constructed, and a stroke-wise diffusion model is proposed to preserve the structure and the completion of each generated character. To our best knowledge, the proposed Diff-Font is the first work that developed diffusion models to handle the font generation task. The well-trained Diff-Font is not only robust to font gap and font variation, but also achieved promising performance on difficult character generation. Compared to previous font generation methods, our model reaches state-of-the-art performance both qualitatively and quantitatively.
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This technical report briefly describes our JDExplore d-team's Vega v2 submission on the SuperGLUE leaderboard. SuperGLUE is more challenging than the widely used general language understanding evaluation (GLUE) benchmark, containing eight difficult language understanding tasks, including question answering, natural language inference, word sense disambiguation, coreference resolution, and reasoning. [Method] Instead of arbitrarily increasing the size of a pretrained language model (PLM), our aim is to 1) fully extract knowledge from the input pretraining data given a certain parameter budget, e.g., 6B, and 2) effectively transfer this knowledge to downstream tasks. To achieve goal 1), we propose self-evolution learning for PLMs to wisely predict the informative tokens that should be masked, and supervise the masked language modeling (MLM) process with rectified smooth labels. For goal 2), we leverage the prompt transfer technique to improve the low-resource tasks by transferring the knowledge from the foundation model and related downstream tasks to the target task. [Results] According to our submission record (Oct. 2022), with our optimized pretraining and fine-tuning strategies, our 6B Vega method achieved new state-of-the-art performance on 4/8 tasks, sitting atop the SuperGLUE leaderboard on Oct. 8, 2022, with an average score of 91.3.
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迅速调整,它冻结了预审计的语言模型(PLM),只有微调的几个额外软提示的参数,在PLM具有数十亿个参数时,对全参数微调(即模型调整)显示出具有竞争性的性能,但仍然显示出竞争力。在较小的PLM的情况下,性能差。因此,迅速转移(POT),通过训练有素的类似源任务的提示来初始化目标提示,最近提议改善及时调整。但是,这样的香草锅方法通常会实现次优的性能,因为(i)锅对源目标对的相似性和(ii)直接对目标提示进行初始提示的提示敏感,而目标任务可能会导致灾难性忘记来源知识。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一个新的指标,以准确预测及时的转移性(关于(i)),以及一种利用知识蒸馏技术将“知识”从源提示转移到的新颖的锅方法(即熊猫)目标以微妙的方式提示,并有效缓解灾难性遗忘(关于(ii))。此外,为了实现每个源目标对的自适应及时转移,我们使用指标来控制熊猫方法中的知识转移。对PLM的5个量表的21个源和9个目标数据集的189组组合进行了广泛而系统的实验,表明:1)我们提出的指标很好地预测了及时的可传递性; 2)在所有任务和型号中,我们的熊猫始终优于香草锅的平均得分2.3%(最高24.1%); 3)通过我们的熊猫方法,及时调整可以比在各种PLM量表场景中的模型调整来实现竞争性甚至更好的性能。接受代码和模型将在接受后发布。
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Sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) learning is a popular fashion for large-scale pretraining language models. However, the prior seq2seq pretraining models generally focus on reconstructive objectives on the decoder side and neglect the effect of encoder-side supervision, which we argue may lead to sub-optimal performance. To verify our hypothesis, we first empirically study the functionalities of the encoder and decoder in seq2seq pretrained language models, and find that the encoder takes an important but under-exploitation role than the decoder regarding the downstream performance and neuron activation. Therefore, we propose an encoding-enhanced seq2seq pretraining strategy, namely E2S2, which improves the seq2seq models via integrating more efficient self-supervised information into the encoders. Specifically, E2S2 adopts two self-supervised objectives on the encoder side from two aspects: 1) locally denoising the corrupted sentence (denoising objective); and 2) globally learning better sentence representations (contrastive objective). With the help of both objectives, the encoder can effectively distinguish the noise tokens and capture high-level (i.e. syntactic and semantic) knowledge, thus strengthening the ability of seq2seq model to accurately achieve the conditional generation. On a large diversity of downstream natural language understanding and generation tasks, E2S2 dominantly improves the performance of its powerful backbone models, e.g. BART and T5. For example, upon BART backbone, we achieve +1.1% averaged gain on the general language understanding evaluation (GLUE) benchmark and +1.75% F_0.5 score improvement on CoNLL2014 dataset. We also provide in-depth analyses to show the improvement stems from better linguistic representation. We hope that our work will foster future self-supervision research on seq2seq language model pretraining.
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现有场景文本识别(str)方法通常使用语言模型来优化通过视觉识别(VR)模型预测的1D字符序列的联合概率,该模型忽略了字符实例内和之间的视觉语义的2D空间上下文不概括为任意形状的场景文本。要解决此问题,我们首次尝试根据本文的视觉语义进行文本推理。从技术上讲,给定VR模型预测的字符分割映射,我们为每个实例构造一个子图,其中节点表示基于它们的空间相似度之间的节点中的像素和边缘。然后,这些子图通过其根节点顺序连接并合并到完整的图表中。基于此图,我们通过通过跨熵损失监督它来设计图表卷积网络以进行文本推理(GTR)。 GTR可以轻松插入代表性的STR模型,以提高其性能,因为较好的文本推理。具体而言,我们通过将GTR并将GTR与基于分段的STR基线中的语言模型并联的语言模型进行了构建模型,即,通过相互学习可以有效利用视觉语言互补性。 S-GTR在六个挑战性的STR基准上套装新的最先进的基准,并概括为多语言数据集。代码可用于。
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In this paper, we propose a robust 3D detector, named Cross Modal Transformer (CMT), for end-to-end 3D multi-modal detection. Without explicit view transformation, CMT takes the image and point clouds tokens as inputs and directly outputs accurate 3D bounding boxes. The spatial alignment of multi-modal tokens is performed implicitly, by encoding the 3D points into multi-modal features. The core design of CMT is quite simple while its performance is impressive. CMT obtains 73.0% NDS on nuScenes benchmark. Moreover, CMT has a strong robustness even if the LiDAR is missing. Code will be released at
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